Getting Started With Pricing Building Work as a Home Owner

Start using Price Doctor to help you price your project, validate contractors quotes and understand the labour and materials involved.

Start pricing work with Price Doctor

Simply complete the form to register as a Homeowner and this will allow you to:

  • Price check builders quotes
  • Create your own designs and edit them to see costs change in real time
  • See labour and material costs and where you could save money

If you're requirements are more trade-related, find out about Price Doctor trade versions here.

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What can Price Doctor Actually do for me?

Take the Mystery out of Pricing

If you have never undertaken a large building or home improvement project before the thought of doing so can be terrifying. If you have experience of a project you’ll know the value of being informed about the details.

If you are currently in this position then this is where Price Doctor comes in. Price Doctor allows you to design and price your very own extension and many other projects with ease.

All of this then takes the mystery out of pricing and what materials are needed, all for FREE!

Armed with this information, Price Doctor helps you better understand the process and also allows you to work closely with your builder throughout the whole project. We can even give you a QS (Quantity Surveyors) Report which will form part of your tender pack.

Get accurate prices

Get Accurate Prices Quickly and Easily

Ultimately, the viability of a home improvement or DIY project more often than not comes down to price; Is it going to be too expensive?

Traditionally, the only way to get an accurate price was to do the hardworking yourself and find out what materials are needed and how much they cost or to pay a quantity surveyor to work it out for you.

Using Price Doctor you can create your own accurate price and a full list of all the materials you need including any labour costs involved. If you need help we offer a pricing service – send us the plans and we will price it for you!

Get an accurate price for your design
Get accurate labout and material prices

Labour and Material Cost Breakdowns

It's one thing knowing the total cost price for a builder to do a particular home improvement job, but it's a whole different ball game being able to see exactly what the funds are used for.

Using Price Doctor, you not only get an accurate cost for a given home improvement job, but the system will break all the costs down, even to individual tasks such as excavating a foundation or rewiring.

This provides valuable information on where you can save money by doing it yourself, or where you can make savings in the building process.

See labour and material cost breakdowns
Produce quotes with Price Doctor

Save, Edit and Manage Your Designs

Substantial home improvement and DIY jobs can be quite expensive, so quite often it's useful to have an idea of the costs involved and then park the project until the funds are available to get on with it.

Price Doctor is ideal for this as you can easily save all of your designs and then come back to them at a later stage to make any adjustments to the design or update any prices that have changed over time.

Attracting a good contractor is about being organised and prepared; they will know you are serious and not going to waste their time. Price Doctor helps you demonstrate this and gives you the best possible chance of getting the best tradespeople for your project.

Save, edit and manage your designs
Get a complete shopping list

Complete Shopping List of Materials

To get an accurate price you need to know exactly what materials, fixtures and fittings are needed and the quantities and types of each.

For a job such as a large extension, you could be talking about well over 150 different types of materials. That's a lot for even professionals to think about let alone if you are new to the world of DIY and home improvements.

With this in mind, Price Doctor has you covered! Due to the unique way in which the system functions, it works out all the different types, sizes and quantities of materials needed in order to build the price, so a complete list of materials for your job is already there and available.

See a complete shopping list of all your materials

What do our customers think?

Common Questions and FAQ for Home Owners

These questions are typically asked by homeowners that use Price Doctor, but there are other questions that we often get from builders (with includes self-builders) that can be found here. Failing that please get it touch!

Is the price I get accurate? Is the price I get accurate?

Yes, of course. But the more information that you can provide Price Doctor, the more accurate the price it generates will be.

We collect prices from leading building merchants, retailers and wholesalers every week, so no price is more than a week old. We will also alert you if the prices have changed since your started your project. Prices are also regional so the prices of labour will be reflective of those in your area.

As you start out on your project you might not have or may not have decided on many of the fixtures and fittings; this is where Price Doctor helps to you make changes, experimenting as you go, so you can see in real time the effect these changes have on the price. If you asked your builder to do this, he'd probably not thank you – at best!

Is Price Doctor really FREE to use? Is Price Doctor really FREE to use?

Price Doctor is free to use. All you need to do is put a little information about your project in and we can make assumptions on your behalf to come up with a price.

We assume no prior construction knowledge so we have tried to make Price Doctor simple to use. This does mean that some more complicated and larger projects will be challenging for someone with no building experience to design and price. For these we recommend you send us the plans which our Quantity Surveyor (QS) service will price and add to your account to edit and experiment with. We will also return you our Build Pack, which includes the full QS report with itemised labour and materials which you can use as part of your tender pack to give to prospective contractors.

The Quantity Surveyor (QS) Pricing Service attracts a fee, but you do not have to use this unless you want us to price your plans. If you would like to export the price lists and other information and documents created by Price Doctor there is a small charge also (all this information is included in the QS Pricing Service).

What happens if I get stuck? What happens if I get stuck?

We assume that everyone using Price Doctor has little to no building or design experience, so you shouldn't get stuck. That said, it will be new to you, so we have got lots of help boxes with useful tips, ideas and explanations to help you.

Don't be embarrassed if you do get stuck; it'll be because we have not explained something properly, and why we have a support team to help you and answer any questions you might have. We don't charge or limit support to anyone; if you're using Price Doctor your can have all the help you want.

How often are the prices updated? How often are the prices updated?

We draw prices from numerous sources including the Pricing manual created by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (compiled by AECOM), which provides regional pricing data, which is especially good for labour rates.

We also get material prices directly from a range of national and large regional builders merchants, wholesalers and retailers on a weekly basis. This means that no price will be more than a week old!

Even better it allows us to inform you if the prices for your project has changed substantially between now and when it was first priced.

In short, this approach allows us to be sure that the price for every individual item is accurate and updated frequently so that the overall price will be accurate to the region where the project will be complete and up to date.

What will my Builder/Contractor think of me using Price Doctor? What will my Builder/Contractor think of me using Price Doctor?

We have a version designed for builders (more information here), so we know that they find value in it too.

Price Doctor was developed by who are a group of builders who now run a website helping people do home improvement. We wanted to make something that helped homeowners communicate with builders (and vice versa) more easily.

The aim of Price Doctor is to ensure that you are ready for when the builder comes to price your job. You have an idea of what it will cost, so won't be too mortified at the expense and will actually go ahead with the project. You will have experimented and understood the compromises you might have to make to stay in budget, and you'll have a good idea of all the huge number of decisions he'll need you to make with you.

In short, you'll be ahead of curve (even if you know nothing about building) and will present yourself as an organised and serious customer. These are always the customers that get the good builders at a good price.

I have plans made up – will Price Doctor be useful for me? I have plans made up – will Price Doctor be useful for me?

Yes, it is very helpful if you have already had plans drawn up, as you will have covered many of the things that Price Doctor will need to get an accurate price – but not all.

There will be information about your interior design and layout that Price Doctor will prompt you to consider before giving you an accurate price.

Plans on their own don't give you a price for your project, nor do they allow you to interrogate and understand your builders quote. In around half an hour you will have a feel for the cost of your project and where you can make compromises to stay within your budget.

With plans you will be able to use our Quantity Surveyor (QS) Pricing Service where we will price the work up for you. This is ideal if you have a large or complex project, or simply don’t have time to price the project yourself.

What if it doesn't work for my project? What if it doesn't work for my project?

There are some projects that use new and innovative materials that we have not incorporated into Price Doctor yet (or made available in the user interface).

For these situations, Price Doctor will not allow you to price the project, although in most cases our Quantity Surveyor (QS) Pricing Service will be able to do this for you. We are confident that we cover 90% of the designs and plans that people use. If you have any concerns please get in touch. If you have any concerns or don't think that Price Doctor is work for you, just get it touch and we will try and help.

What kind of designs are available in Price Doctor? What kind of designs are available in Price Doctor?

Currently you can use Price Doctor for Extensions (including L-shaped or side return extensions), Driveway, Decking, New Build and Patio projects. We include all types of renovation and refurbishment projects, including interior finishes and decoration. We also cover a wide range of external and landscaping projects also. If it can be built, we can price it!.

We are constantly working on Price Doctor and adding calculators all the time. New calculators including Fencing, Loft Conversions and Garages have been added along with construction methods such as timber and steel frames and SIPs.

What else can Price Doctor do for me, other than pricing? What else can Price Doctor do for me, other than pricing?

Because we have created an itemised and accurate price for your project you can also use Price Doctor to manage your tender process when selecting the contractor you will use.

Price Doctor also has some simple and intuitive project management tools which allow you to measure progress, record changes and control costs and payments.

The aim is to assist you - and your contractor - to get to the end of your project, on time, on budget and with no surprises – as far as it is possible!

Register now for FREE and start saving valuable time and money with Price Doctor

Satisfaction Guaranteed... or your money back

If, after using Price Doctor, you have any issues or technical queries, we will endeavour to help out in any way we can. If not, we will refund you in full.