Start using Price Doctor to save you time, make your quotes more accurate and ensure you never miss an extra.
Price Doctor is a complete tool for all tradespeople to manage projects from lead to invoice, so you can spend more time earning and less time doing admin.
Simply complete the form to confirm you are a registered Tradesman and this will allow you to:
If you're just looking for a quick estimate price, find out about Price Doctor home versions here.
Quoting and pricing, in particular, takes time and effort. As a tradesman, you don't want to be spending your valuable time producing estimates and quotes for jobs you might not win - This is where Price Doctor comes in!
Using our ingenious system, simply select the job that you are looking to do from our list, input the dimensions and the system will not only work out the cost of your building project, but produce a full quote that can then be sent to your customer.
Get estimates prices quickly and easily
From managing new leads and enquiries that come in to invoicing and getting paid, Price Doctor will help you keep on top of everything, including all the extras.
Price Doctor includes a full scheduling system and diary, CRM (customer relationship management system), Job management system but the most important things is that you will have access to the full range of QS pricing tools that our quantity surveyors do!
Set and manage all of your profits and overheads
All material prices are updated weekly, so no price is ever over a week old and we account for regional variations too, especially for labour rates.
There is no need for you to add your materials and prices as we’ve done this for you already, but if you want to save prices of your own you can do this too.
If prices change after you have sent your quote, we will let you know and you can accept whichever changes you want to and requote with a few clicks on the screen.
Easily create and manage your own price lists
Managing an extension build or new build project requires a huge amount of planning, logistics, time and man management, let alone the actual construction work itself.
To help with this mammoth task, Price Doctor will not only produce accurate pricing, materials and labour breakdowns, but will also plan out a timeline for the work, indicating each critical stage and how long each should take.
With this information you can then easily ensure completion targets are hit on time, materials are on site and ready when needed and the correct trade is at hand when required to ensure that the whole job is completed on target and on price.
Manage all your projects from start to finish
Price Doctor aims to bridge the gap between the homeowner and the contractor, so that homeowners who knows nothing about building can quickly and clearly explain what they want, saving you the builder time, paperwork and effort.
Price Doctor is a tool to help you create a quotation quickly and accurately yourself. But we're very flexible so you don’t have to do it yourself.
If you don't have time, you can send us the plans and we will price them for you. Then you will have all the information in your account to review, change and update so you have complete flexibility.
This means that you have all the projects in one place; anything you price yourself and the jobs you send to us to price for you. And you can make all the changes without spending extra time or money going back and forth with a QS service.
This way you can get on with the build and spend less time quoting, managing the customer and dealing with issues caused by extras and other symptoms of miscommunication.
Price Doctor will make the process of quoting for jobs easy and quick, while making it more accurate.
We purchase data about materials and labour prices, which is produced and used by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Over and above this we source our material prices from national suppliers so that they're refreshed every week to keep current.
Every tradesman will get different prices, even from the same merchants sometimes, so you can easily change, update and save your own prices either for your current project or to your own price list for ongoing use.
It is important that you always check the prices to ensure that you’re using the prices that you will be paying your merchants and staff, but we will get to off to a very good start.
To help you get better prices you can email suppliers materials lists and shop around with a click of a button.
We know that every tradesman will get different prices, even from the same merchants sometimes, so you can easily change, update and save your own prices either for your current project or to your own price list for ongoing use.
To get you started we have prices already that we already use, so you don’t have to give us a full price list before you can start. We purchase data about materials and labour prices, which is produced and used by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Over and above this we source our material prices from national suppliers so that they’re refreshed weekly to keep them current.
Obviously it is important that you always check to ensure that you’re using prices that you will be paying your merchants and staff before you send your quote, but we lay out the prices so that this is easy and quick to do.
Yes, all pricing breakdowns can be exported to excel, pdf, csv or printed. The information is only going to help your business if you can use it. It is very simple to create the professional looking quote you're going to give your customer or print off a “shopping list” to give to your builders merchant – we have made sure that you can do this easily.
There is no limit.
Your subscription is monthly or annual so you can use Price Doctor as much as you like in that time, making unlimited changes. There is no contract, and if you are not happy with Price Doctor we will refund your last payment.
We don’t want to lock you in; we want you to stay with us because we’re making a difference to your business!
Yes. Price Doctor can price all kinds of domestic projects for all trades.
And Price Doctor is not just a pricing tool, we manage the all your projects from start to finish – from Lead to Invoice and money in the bank!
The size of the project doesn’t matter either, we can price and send quote for small and large projects, or simply raise an invoice while you are there so you can take payment immediately.
Price Doctor is designed for all trades that work on domestic projects. The bulk of our users are electricians, builders, carpenters and joiners, landscaper’s roofers and plumbers.
If you do commercial work also it is possible to use the job management parts of Price Doctor (quoting, scheduling, diary, CRM, invoicing etc) but we do not have any pricing calculators for commercial works.
If you need to price commercial works or niche types of work where we do not have a calculator it is possible to create templates to make the process of pricing quicker.
Yes, although currently you cannot collaborate on the design, which is something that we plan to enable soon. This means that you can send your customer a link and they will in effect build their quote for you using your prices, saving you even more time trying to win jobs!
You do not need any specialist skills (CAD or IT) and we have made it as easy to use as possible so you probably won't need any help. If you are struggling to find something or are stuck, we'd prefer that you got in touch rather than lose time and get frustrated.
Everyone gets full access to our support service, our view is that if you're struggling we haven't made it right so tell us! You can contact us by phone and online chat during office hours, and online via the website or by email out of hours. We'll get back to your as soon as we can.
We have an extensive “Help” section where you can see user guides and videos. You can even book a 1-on-1 session to help you with whatever is holding you back.
Yes. There is no contract so you can stop at any time that Price Doctor is not working for you.
Yes. We have a full refund policy if you are not happy or Price Doctor is not working for you. Please let us know within 14 days from purchase.
Obviously we would like to know what is not working for you, so that we can fix or improve it, but we are not going to quibble if it is not for you; we are big enough to recognise it's not for everyone.
Price up jobs 'on-the-go' with our handy Mobile App.
We know that as a tradesman, the last thing you want to do after a full day on site, is to back to the office and sit down at the computer to start pricing up jobs and materials.
With the Price Doctor Mobile App, you can manage projects and estimate costs wherever you are, saving you valuable time and effort.
If, after using Price Doctor, you have any issues or technical queries, we will endeavour to help out in any way we can. If not, we will refund you in full.