How to setup an Account With Price Doctor

To get started with pricing your home improvement projects or building work you will need to setup an account. This is a quick and simple process and will only take a minute or so.

Step 1 – Click Get Started

On the main menu at the top of the screen, click on Get Started. In the dropdown menu that appears select the option that best suits you:

  • Tradesmen: You’re a tradesman if you are looking to use Price Doctor to estimate and price building work for clients and customers
  • Home Owner: You’re a home owner if you are looking to use Price Doctor to price your own home improvement projects, see how much a given project is likely to cost and how much you could save by doing it yourself
Getting started with Price Doctor

Click on Get Started and click the option that best suits your needs

Step 2 – Create Your Account

Once you have chosen the type of account that suits your situation, next, enter your first name, last name and email address into each relevant box and then check the Get our newsletter box if you want to receive our newsletter.

Once you have entered all the required information, click on the Get me started! button.

Enter your account information

Enter your account signup information to get started

Step 3 – Choose Your Package

Once you have registered your account you will now need to choose the type of Price Doctor package you would like to use.

Each account type e.g. tradesman or home owner has 3 different packages; a free demo package, a mid-tier package and a full access package.

The bullet point list in each package column summarises all of the features particular to that given package so it’s worth spending a few moments just looking through to make sure you pick the package that will fulfil your needs.

If you opt for a paid package you can also select how you actually pay for it, whether that’s all in one go or on a monthly pay-as-you-go basis.

Once you have decided click on the green button of your chosen package.

Select your desired Price Doctor package

Select the Price Doctor package that suits your needs

If you have opted to go for a paid or subscription package you will now be taken to our payment system complete your payment or setup your subscription.

Pay for your selected package

Pay for your chosen Price Doctor package

Once you have entered your payment details and completed your payment, you will then be redirected back to Price Doctor ready to get going! You will also be automatically logged in so you can get started straight away.

Logged into your Price Doctor account

Logged in and ready to start pricing!

In the case that you have opted for a demo account, once you have chosen your package you will be logged in and redirected straight to your account page ready to go!