Tradesman Help using Price Doctor

Help is free and freely available all the time!

Help and supportIn-App Help:

In the app you have access to our comprehensive knowledge base which includes detailed articles and videos to assist you with all the main tasks that Price Doctor will help you with.


Video tutorial helpVideo Help:

When using Price Doctor you will see our blue video icon next to things that users have asked us about in the past or which might need some explanation. Just click on the icon to watch a short YouTube video explaining how to use the feature.


Help availabel with Price Doctor1-2-1 Support:

You can request a quick one-to-one session any time from in the help menu when logged into Price Doctor. With 15 minutes notice, we can be talking you through whatever you need help with.


Account managementAccount Management:

When you sign up you will have the contact details of your account manager who you will be able to contact directly. Any questions they cannot answer immediately, they will go away and find out for you.


Show me how Price Doctor Works:

If you would like to get a short ½ hour demo of what Price Doctor can do to improve your business and start saving you time, please book a time here:



How will Price Doctor Help me?

Price Doctor is the unique pricing application which is ready to use ‘out of the box’! In fact, we update the prices every week, so your quote can be updated at a click of a button if prices do change. But Price Doctor is much more than that – it is a tool to manage projects from initial lead all the way to invoicing.

Professional quotesSend Professional Quotes and Estimates:

While getting you an accurate price quickly is a huge benefit, you then need to make it look professional and get it to your customer. You will be able to see when quotes have been read and accepted too.

Manage leadsMange Leads from Enquiry to Invoice:

With a full CRM (customer relationship management) database of your clients and projects, wherever you are, you will be able to see all the details of all your projects. Record and notify extras then send invoices without fear of push back.

Increase profitIncrease Profit and Save Time:

Manage jobs more easily so that you spend more time on the job and less time on the admin. Enter information once and then send quotes, updates and invoices to your clients with just a few clicks.

Manage your teamManage Your Team and Diary Better:

Book jobs and other events, send automatic reminders to clients and plan jobs easily with Price Doctor’s diary. Ensure that you have the information at hand wherever you are, so you never miss an appointment again.

Download the Price Doctor app

Download the Price Doctor App:

Get the full functionality of the website in our App.

Use Price Doctor on the go so that you are never out of touch and always have all the information you need to manage your business.

Available in the App and Play Stores:


Apple App Store
Google Play


At any stage, if you need help please get in touch.

Or arrange a 1-2-1 session to talk through all your questions. Book a time here now!