Homeowner Help using Price Doctor

Whatever project you are planning Price Doctor will be able to assist you. The Homeowner version is designed for use with minimal construction knowledge but if you have a large or complex project we offer a service to price your project for you.

If you get stuck, we offer free assistance:

In-App Help:

When you are logged in to your account you will have access to our comprehensive knowledge base which includes detailed articles and videos to assist you with using Price Doctor’s various features.

Video tutorial helpVideo Help:

You will see our blue video icon next to things that users have asked us about in the past or which might need some explanation. Click on the icon to watch a short YouTube video explaining how to use the feature.


Help and support1-2-1 Support:

You can request a quick one-to-one session any time from in the help menu when logged into Price Doctor. We can be talk you through whatever you need help with.


Help availabel with Price DoctorHow will Price Doctor Help me?

Price Doctor is specially designed to help homeowners get projects planned and completed easily, providing you all the important information you need. We want to ensure that you are prepared and understand what is needed to get the project done, whether you do it yourself or you get the help of a professional.

There are 4 main areas where Price Doctor with help you:

  1. Planning your Project and Experimenting with Ideas – and Budgets:

Plan your project and experiementYou need to know who much a project is going to cost before you start, so you can make sure that you can afford it. It is hard to know where to start.

Price Doctor allows you to make changes and experiment with your plans while the prices will change on the fly. You can rule out the ideas that are beyond your budget and focus on realistic plans. This will endear you to any tradesperson, as there is nothing worth than multiple changes, even before the work has begun!


  1. Finding Tradespeople to Assist you:

Good tradespeople are busy and can pick and choose their clients. To get the best you have to present yourself as a well organised, knowledgeable and prepared client – and be patient!

Using Price Doctor will give you the information to be ready for them, and we will also help to connect you to the relevant Trade users of Price Doctor – who, themselves, should be organised and professional.



  1. Check and Understand Quotes:

Check quotes quicklyThere is nothing worst for a tradesperson to hear than, “I thought…”. This means that there has been a misunderstanding of some kind. After busting a gut for you, to hear that they have not done the thing you wanted is soul destroying for lot of reasons!

Avoid this by having the detailed information so you can interrogate the quotes you receive closely to understand exactly what is include, what is not and how the work will proceed.


  1. Manage your Project & Stay in Control:

Mange your projectEven if you have a project manager to help you, you need to be in control and understand what is going on. Decisions will need to be made so as not to hold up the project, payments made and there will inevitably be changes to the plans which need to be understood and a solutions agreed.

Price Doctor provides a structure for you to record and work through all the issues so that you can keep on top of the project and stay in control.


In simple terms the better prepared you are as a homeowner, the easier the project will be for you and your builder. He does not want long delays caused by indecision or changes. Extras, while seemingly expensive, are costly for him too. A builder makes a profit on each job, and if he can move quickly and efficiently on to the next job without holdups, he will be more profitable. By being held up on one job, he not going to make more profit and will forgo the opportunity to be making the profit on the next job.

You both want the same thing – a smooth and quality job completed on time and on budget. Price Doctor gives both parties the tools to best achieve this.

At any stage, if you need help please get in touch.

Or arrange a 1-2-1 session to talk through all your questions. Book a time here now!