Book Your Free on-Boarding Session

Thanks for registering with Price Doctor, and we are keen that you get the best possible start.

Complete the form below and we will get back to you to arrange a convenient time to get you started:

Book Your On-Boarding Session Below:


How many people would you use Price Doctor for? *


Features to cover in On-boarding Session:


When is best to call? *



Your On-boarding Session

Most sessions take about half-an-hour, however we will spend as much time as you need, or more probably, you can spare.

You will need to have access to a computer or tablet. Using the pricing systems from a mobile phone can be difficult so we recommend using something with a bigger screen for such an important task. The rest of the functionality however will work fine on a mobile.

We will call you on the number you have provided us for your On-boarding Session. Initially however we will get in touch to arrange a convenient time, either by email or phone depending on whichever is more convenient.

Please make sure that you have your username and password accessible and if you could login to your account that would be helpful. During your training, we might ask you to login to a demo account which has some demo data in it as it is easier to see how to use Price Doctor if there is data already there to work with.

Just like there is no limit on the duration of the session, you can get in touch with us for as many further sessions that you need.

The Aim of On-Boarding

We aim to get you started and using Price Doctor confidently during your initial on-boarding session. The more you use it the more valuable you will find it; we know this from our own experience implementing Price Doctor with our building company, Foundations Up Construction.

One thing that we get from our on-boarding sessions is amazing feedback and suggestions. If there is something you need to make your business more efficient and effective then just let us know. If it is possible we will add it to the development plan – if it is useful to you, it is sure to be useful to others!

We look forward to helping boost your business like Price Doctor did to ours – in our first year using it we nearly doubled our turnover while remaining profitable (and sane!).